erin's law

Erin’s Law is named after Erin Merryn, a child sexual abuse survivor, author, speaker, and advocate.

Erin Merryn first introduced the legislation in Illinois, the first state to pass Erin’s Law and mandate child sexual abuse prevention. Now, Erin’s Law is in more than thirty-eight (38) states.

Erin’s Law requires public school personnel and K-12 students to learn about child sexual abuse prevention. Personnel curriculum must cover the warning signs of child sexual abuse and mandated reporting, how to appropriately respond to disclosure, how to talk to parents, and how to speak to students about child sexual abuse prevention.

it's now required that...

“Erin’s Law” requires that all public schools in each state implement a prevention-oriented child sexual abuse program which teaches:

  • Students in grades PreK – 12th grade, age-appropriate techniques to recognize child sexual abuse and tell a trusted adult.
  • School personnel, all about child sexual abuse.
  • Parent(s) & guardians, the warning signs of child sexual abuse, plus needed assistance, referral or resource information to support sexually abused children and their families.

here at brookwood 167...

“Erin’s Law” requires that all public schools in each state implement a prevention-oriented child sexual abuse program. The “Be Seen and Heard©” sexual abuse prevention curriculum is evidence-based, research-based and proven to be effective. It meets Erin’s Law mandate requirements and CDC guidelines for recommended solutions to reducing the mental and physical health consequences stemming from child sexual abuse and physical abuse.

Brookwood provides the program four (4) times a year to all students. Parents may opt their student out of the program.

For more information about “Erin’s Law”, visit the website Erin’s Law

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